SEAOHUN 2019 NCO's Meeting
With the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and One Health Workforce (OHW). SEAOHUN has conducted "...

Faculty as Catalysts for a Changing Health Workforce
The USAID-funded One Health Workforce project (OHW) understands that faculty members play a central role in transforming the health...

The growing emergence of resistance to antimicrobials is a threat to humans, animals and the environment. This is an increasing global...

SEAOHUN 2019 Systems Thinking Workshop in Myanmar
" The Systems Thinking Workshop " was successfully conducted on February 25-27, 2019 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. In collaboration with...

Application Deadline Extended to April 25 | SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship Progra
ISID and the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) jointly sponsor the SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship Program to...

PhD Global Health Program at Thammasat University
Advance your career with postgraduate study at Thailand's 2nd oldest university! The PhD Global Health we offer at Thammasat University...

Now Available: CDC Field Epidemiology Manual
CDC, through a partnership with the CDC Foundation and Oxford University Press, has published " The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual ". The...

Enter the Untold Global Health Stories of 2019 Contest
Do you know an important global health story that’s been overlooked by the media and deserves special notice? NPR’s "Goats and Soda"...

Wellcome Trust International Training Fellowships in Health.
UK: Wellcome Trust International Training Fellowships in Health. ASEAN Researchers Eligible (ex Singapore and Brunei) This scheme...

Call for Proposals in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases
The 2nd Joint Call for Proposals in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases under the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding...