CAMBOHUN Small Grants 2022 Program / Call for applications
Cambodia One Health University Network (CAMBOHUN), a member of South East Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN), receiving financial support from USAID under the One Health Workforce – Next Generation project. Through our year 3 plans, CAMBOHUN will provide the opportunities to its faculty members university network to develop and share ideas on advancing One Health research in Cambodia. The CAMBOHUN Small Grants Program aims to support One Health faculty in the development of new research that can have high impact. It is expected that Small Grants will catalyze innovative field research. This initiative provides critical support for member universities’ activities, increasing CAMBOHUN’s and OHUNs’ visibility and the visibility of the USAID supported One Health Workforce – Next Generation project. In addition, it strives to foster multisectoral collaboration, as well as cooperation across member Universities. The proposals can touch upon the broad spectrum of ideas related to the One Health approach, enabling better response to the increasingly complex dilemmas at the convergence of animals, humans, plants, and the environment.
To enable faculty members of the member Universities network to develop innovative ideas and implement pilot projects that advance research on prioritized One Health in Cambodia.
Important Dates
· Small Grants proposal submission deadline is February 18, 2022
· Small Grants award announcement is February 28, 2022
· The Small Grants projects must be implemented in six months, starting no later than March 01, 2022
Small Grant amount
· The total requested funding for the proposal should not exceed 5,000 USD.
Other requirements
· Proposal should be submitted by CAMBOHUN faculty members from its member Universities: University of Health Science (UHS), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Prek Leap National Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Kampong Cham National Institute of Agriculture (KNIA), Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
· The proposal should include at least one partner coming from members university network of CAMBOHUN or another different sector.
· The proposal should address a specific One Health challenge or challenges. The proposed project can include field research to address the issues.
· In cases where in-person activities are necessary for the project implementation, the applicants must prepare a robust safety measures plan in line with WHO recommendations on COVID-19[1], USAID COVID-19 Guidance for Implementing Partners[2] and national governments’ recommendations.
· Priority will be given to Small Grants Program applications that promote a collaborative approach by linking two or more researchers from different disciplines and/or different Universities or government agencies within the network.
· Eligible expenses include registration for virtual conferences, face-to-face meetings, local travel, planning workshops or material development for education or outreach activities, and publication costs. While funds may be used for project-specific short-term personnel or support (e.g. audiovisual technology advice); they are not intended for long-term, recurring commitments for faculty and staff. No funds shall be paid to government officials. No indirect costs are allowed.
· All proposals can be written in Khmer or in English.
Implementation dates
· The successful applicants will be announced by late February 2022.
· The first installment (~60-80% of the award) will be made after receiving the work plan and signing the contract.
Proposal Assessment Criteria
1. Importance of the challenge addressed by the project.
2. Innovativeness of the solutions proposed by the project that meet priority One Health challenges.
3. Feasibility of the implementation plan.
4. Does this project promote collaboration? Proposals that build, support, and coordinate among OHUNs will be prioritized.
5. Proposals that foster multi-sectoral engagement and are multidisciplinary will be prioritized.
6. If the proposal includes in-person activities, are they supplemented with a robust safety measures plan in line with WHO recommendations on COVID-19?
7. Cost-effectiveness and well-defined budget.
Suggested topics:
o Innovative field research projects using a One Health approach in Human, Animal, and Environmental Health
o Promotion on One Health approach in communities
o One Health workforce data/ assessments/ planning
o Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risk reduction at the human-animal-environment interface
o Support to the implementation of National Action Plan on AMR
o Curriculum development based on analysis of One Health workforce needs
o Bringing non-traditional One Health disciplines and partners into activities, including expansion of One Health into pre-service and in-service technical and vocational education
Submitting proposals:
Please fill up the Application Form (Annex 1) and submit through the following email: